The ‘National Green Corps’ is an initiative aimed at spreading environmental awareness among school children and involving them in environment related activities. The programme aims to establish Eco-clubs in about 50,000 schools throughout the country. Our school is also a part in that activities.
Our school level activities are Environmental Day celebration (sapling distribution to all students, planting saplings in school compound, rally etc), medicinal plants exhibition, making medicinal garden etc.

We have a very active Arabic Club in our school. To attain the goal of imparting spiritual oriented formal education to Muslim students, Arabic Club has been functioning its level best. The Club provides sufficient training for students to participate in sub district, district and state level kalolsavas. The students uphold the pride of the school by winning overall championship in Arabic kalolsav.
On Arabic Day the club organizes varieties of programme both informative and enjoyable. In the holy Ramadan month Quran Reading, Hifl and Quiz competitions are conducted. In connection with Reading Day the club conducts different literary competitions.

This initiative aims to create awareness among the growing student community on environment protection and enable them to protect water, air and soil. The project aims to pave way for a new green culture by assembling high schools, higher secondary schools and upper primary schools in the state. The functional activities aim to strengthen the students to ensure environment- friendly growth and development.
The school level activities are cleaning the school premises and nearby locality

The IT club helps students to make use of IT in a positive way and to enhance their knowledge in modern technology. Our mission is to make the students use IT in the best possible manner and also be updated with the latest trends in IT by conducting regular events and programme. We aim to promote and encourage the student community in technology skill development and to make use of it in their development by safe use of technology.
Our school level activities are Digital Painting, Quiz Competition, Web Designing ,Malayalam Typing, Multimedia Presentation, Programming etc. Our club members participate in sub district,district and State level IT fair competitions . Our school has been the overall champions in sub district level IT Fair and also won A grade in Web designing &Quiz competition at state level IT Fair.

- Conduct School level Science fairs every year.
- Conducting special Day celebrations (Quiz competition, poster making, Science exhibition, rally etc.)
- Children are given proper guidance to participate in various Science competitions.
- Provides special awareness classes (about various diseases) conducting field trips, blood group detection etc.
- Our school secured various achievements like still model, working model, Science talent search exam, CV Raman essay competition, research type project, Science drama in the sub-district, district and state level Science fair.

- All special Days are observed in fitting manner by conducting Quiz, seminar, Exhibition, rally, special assembly etc.
- Students are given proper training for participating in various competitions
- Conducting school level SS fair every year
- Our students participate in sub-District, District and State level Social Science fairs and win notable achievements.
- Our school secured Over all championship in HS and UP section for the last three years in Rural Subdistrict SS fair
- Shahana Sherin of 10th std secured A Grade in State Social Science Fair in Atlas Making competition held at Kollam

Maths club conducts various competitions, which include flag making, making number chart and geometrical chart, book review, thought provoking question making, model making, pure construction, applied construction, game, puzzle etc based on school level. In 2006 one student Ayisha musthafa was selected for State Science Fair for pure construction. In 2011 Rinsha Fathima participated in State Maths Fair.
Continuously three years our student got first prize in model making in District level competion. Rekha teacher also participated in teaching aid competition up to District level competition.

The “Quit to Care” project was launched in the district on June 26, on the International Day against Drug Abuse. The project aims at school level and district level to de-addict school children. The volunteers are selected by the Excise Department for the “Quit to Care” project activities at school level. The trained students, with the support of nodal officers will select more student volunteers for the implementation of the project. The volunteers will also carry out awareness programmes at their schools.

In connection with important Day observations, English club conducts variety of activities both informative and entertaining such as skit presentation, placard making, dictionary making, quiz competitions, essay writing competition, lot and talk, elocution competition, flash mob etc. Our club members participate in sub district and district school kalolsav and have won A grade in Essay writing and Recitation competitions.

In connection with important Day observations, Malayalam club conducts variety of activities both informative and entertaining such as Reading Day, Quiz Programs, Basheer Anusmaranam, Kerala Piravi, Vidyarangam Compititions, Essay Writing, Cherukad competitions etc.

In connection with important Day observations, Hindi club conducts variety of activities both informative and entertaining such as Poster making, quiz competitions, essay writing competition, elocution competition, Special Assembly on Hindi day etc. Our club members participate in sub district and district school kalolsavam .

The SAPC Palliative Care Clubs are formed in schools and colleges, and the students are trained to recognise and help the patients in their locality. In the holy month of Ramzan, we collect edible things from our students and distribute nearby houses of our school.